Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Treehouse Episode 01: Mud Puddles

You can listen to this week's episode on Spotify and most other platforms.

Do you remember what the Bible memory verse was in Branching Out for the month of February? It was from Matthew, chapter 6, verse 26. It says, "Look at the birds of the air. They don't plant or gather crops. They don't put away crops in storerooms. But your Father in heaven feeds them. Aren't you worth much more than they are?" 

This verse is about worry. When Jesus first said these words 2,000 years ago he was telling everyone around him--moms and dads and kids--to not worry. I think it's always been hard for humans to not worry about things, especially things we don't understand. And right now, there's probably some stuff going on you don't understand, and that's okay. It's oka ony to be a little confused or even worried right now. One of my favorite words to describe that feeling is "unsettled."

Imagine a nice mud puddle. The water is flat and calm, and there's a good thick layer of mud at the bottom. Can you imagine that? Now imagine you plopped a big ol' rock into it! What would happen? The water would splash and the mud from the bottom would get all mixed up again into the water. It would take it a long time to become still and flat again. The mud puddle is unsettled.

And sometimes that's exactly what happens to us! Life can go from pretty normal and boring, and then it feels like someone dropped a rock into our mud puddle, and all our feelings get all mixed up. We're unsettled just like that mud puddle.

Kids, you want in on a secret? Grown-ups can feel that way too. In Frozen II, Olaf sings a song about how when he's older absolutely everything will make sense. But I think Olaf figures out that isn't true. When you're a grown up, things can be confusing and unsettling just like it is for kids.

So what do we do? What's the plan for when something happens that makes us feel worried or confused or just a bit unsettled? We can turn to Jesus for help!

I'm going to read to you a short little story from the book of Mark about Jesus and the disciples, and a time when the disciples were afraid. If you have a Bible handy and want to follow along it's Mark 4:35-41.

35 That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” 36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. 37 A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. 38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”

39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

41 They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”

Did you catch what Jesus did? He spoke and immediately everything was settled again. Sometimes it can feel like no one cares how we feel. Sometimes it feels like no one can help us. The disciples felt that way--they said that right to Jesus's face when they woke him up! And guess what? We can be that honest with Jesus too.

The first thing we need to do when we feel unsettled is to talk to Jesus. We call that prayer. And the very best thing about prayer is that anyone can do it anytime and anywhere! You just tell Jesus what you think and what you feel. And you can ask Him for help if you need anything. You don't have to worry about saying the right words, or that He'll be mad at you if you say the wrong words--there aren't really any wrong words as long as you're honest and remember to respect Him. The disciples were very honest with Jesus that day out on the boat and He didn't get mad at them. He helped them and wanted them to trust Him no matter how unsettling life was.

The next thing we need to do is take all those unsettled, worried, or afraid thoughts and stop them dead in their tracks. Do you ever try to walk through your house with muddy shoes? I bet your Mom and Dad stop you dead in your tracks! That's what we need to do with our thoughts. As soon as you see those muddy thoughts in your head or you notice those muddy feelings in your heart or your belly, you stop. It's okay to have feelings. Everyone does--even bad feelings. But Jesus doesn't want us to hold onto our bad feelings.

The Bible is full of promises from God. So whenever we feel afraid or confused, we can replace those thoughts with a promise instead. Here are just a few you can think about when you feel unsettled.

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."-- Isaiah 41:10

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."-- John 14:27

"He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together."--Colossians 1:17

"Be still and know that I am God..."-- Psalm 46:10

And of course, our memory verse from February! You are worth more than many sparrows to God! Every time you look out your window this week and see a bird, I want you to remember that you are very special to God. And if you feel unsettled, He wants you to remember His promise that He is with you always and He is in control.

One last thought before I wrap you--you can always talk to a grown up about your thoughts and feelings too. It's a little harder right now since we're not all seeing each other at church each week, but there are lots of way for you to reach out with any questions you might have for a grown up. Pastor Mike, Pastor Bobby, Pastor Jules, Miss Jessie, and me and lots of other adults would love to hear from you if you wanna chat. Have your parents text us and we'll connect with you!

Discussion Questions

These are simple ways for you to extend the lesson once the podcast is over. OR take note of the suggestions and look for ways to bring it up throughout the week. Over a family meal, taking a walk outside, etc.

Can you think of any other stories in the Bible where someone was afraid or confused? What did they do? How to God/Jesus help them? {Parents, if your kids can't come up with any, share one of your favorites.} Talk about your favorite promises in scripture too!

Come up with a family mantra for when you feel afraid! Use part of a Bible verse or come up with your own. Have the kids practice saying it all week. And tell the kids when you've said it to yourself too. {Am I the only grown-up who needs a mantra to get through the grocery store now and all those empty shelves? Yikes.}

Ask your kiddos how they would've felt on the boat with Jesus. Encourage them to really use their imaginations and picture the big waves and the roaring sound of an angry sea. And then, how would they have felt after Jesus calmed the storm? What sounds would they have heard then?

Talk about this week's memory verse ("He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together."--Colossians 1:17) Get our your Bible and read together the entire passage. Check out the song by Andrew Peterson called "All Things Together". This is a great way to commit this passage to memory and let it take root in your heart (and your kiddos!). There are some big ol' words in the passage, so talk about what it means and how this can help us trust that Jesus is in control.

Pray together and thank God for His word which is full of promises. Thank God for being in control and holding all things together. And talk to God honestly about how you're feeling during this strange time. {Our kids need to see us grown-ups going to Jesus to ask for strength and peace and courage. It strengthens our testimony as well as models for them to turn to God for all our needs.}

You got this, parents! Hit me up with any comments and questions!

Questions & Answers

This is the part of the podcast where I will ask you a question and you guys can send me in answers! You can record your message with any recording app your mom or dad has on their phone. Then, you parents can send me the clip so you can be on the podcast next week! OR you can leave your answer in the "comments" section on the blog, and I can read them for everyone on the next episode.

So for this week: Give me your very best joke!

I'll tell you my favorite joke: What do you call it when a snake has a temper tantrum?? A hissy fit!

The Last Word

The last word every week will be a Bible memory verse. I decided to use one of the verses I shared with you earlier in the podcast. Ready?

"He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together."--Colossians 1:17

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